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Comparison of precision punch industry with the rapid economic growth in the past ten years

2021-02-18 08:36:38

Compared with the rapid economic growth of the precision punch industry for ten consecutive years, the growth rate of the main economic indicators of the precision punch industry shows a comprehensive decline, especially in the aspect of the accelerated decline of the growth rate of the punch profit, which highlights the urgency of accelerating the structural upgrading of the punch, and it is urgent to stabilize the punch price. The foreign trade of China's precision punch industry has achieved a surplus of 12.4 billion US dollars, which is mainly due to the processing trade at the low end of the industrial chain. In the "general trade", which can better reflect the actual competitiveness of the punch industry, it has a huge deficit of 22.2 billion US dollars. It reflects that China's punch industry is an industry with comparative advantage in the world and can become an important support for China's export in the future.


It shows that China's competitiveness is mainly reflected in the cost-effective advantages of low-end punch products, and there is still a huge gap between the end equipment field and the world's advanced level. Speeding up the structural adjustment of punch press industry is a way out to fundamentally alleviate the problems faced by punch press industry, such as the decline of profit margin, the weakness of market demand and the fluctuation of punch press price. The goal orientation of the whole punch industry must be changed from speed and scale first to quality and benefit first. Even at the expense of some speed, we should continue to promote the adjustment and upgrading of the punch industry structure.

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